Monthly Archives: July 2020

Mr. Fix It

In the midst of corona virus I have managed to move into a new apartment and with it comes the stress of shopping on Wayfair and then having to put 500 piece TV console together. Everyone has their strengths and for this girl right here, I can not put things together to save my life. So I turned to my friendship circle and social media to help me help myself. This is how I met Mr. Fix it. He sends me a message that he loves putting furniture together and that “I got you”. So I was so excited to have one mess thing on my to-do list to worry about. He had to go to Tennessee that weekend but said he will take care of it when he gets back. A week goes by and I honestly forgot about it and he shoots me a Facebook message that he’s back in town. So of course I was like perfect ! Come immediately. He agrees to come by the following morning which works perfectly so he can put everything together while I’m working from home. The next morning rolls around and I get a phone call at 8 am that he was outside, I was freaking out first because I was late for work – although let’s be honest I’m working from home but I totally forgot about him coming. I ran into the bathroom gargled mouth wash threw on a house dress and let him in. He came in but I barely looked at his face as he was here to mount my TV and nothing else. Once he started getting to work my back was towards him and I started work. 30 minutes later I got a hunger pain and decided to order UberEats. It was only right to order him breakfast so he casually says he only wants a coffee and I insisted that he ordered more and he did just that. I get back to work and don’t make small talk. Uber eats pings me 20 minutes later and food was outside. Once I brought the food inside I noticed my tv was already mounted and it looked so good ! I was so thankful and at that point I laid his food out and figured I might as well make good use of his drill. I had blinds to put up and some portraits. So while he’s scarfing down his omelette I asked if he can help me hang up the other stuff and again he was like, “sure I got you.” So then I was like so do you fix things for a living, just making small talk since he’s agreed to do all this stuff for me lol. He’s like I’m also a mechanic as well so I’m like oh wow really?! I need my brakes done! And again he says sure “I got you”. So then I was like okay for how much 🧐 and he was like $80. My mouth dropped – in case you aren’t familiar with brakes they range from $400 – $1500 for luxury cars so for him to quote me at that price is when I was like let me stop ignoring him and play nice. So once we finished eating we went over to the blinds.

My dining room windows are huge, approx 96 inches across, I don’t know why I thought I could do them alone but you know I’m a strong black woman and plus it’s Covid-19 so a lot of things you usually wouldn’t do alone you’re forced to, well with these blinds it was impossible. So first we measured where rod would go and how high so I was on one end of the window and he was ‘socially distanced’ on the other side holding it up. When it was time for him to drill the rod piece he was holding it up with one hand and drilling it with the other and did the same on the other side. Now it was time to put the curtains on the rod – the one thing I did do (lol) so i ran to his side and slid the Curtain onto the head Of the curtain and was moving it down the pole, he stood behind me and we both looked up as I was doing it. I had bumped into him accidentally and was like oh shoot and stepped onto his foot and he caught me. Super awkward but he was cool about it. We walked to my bedroom to do the blinds in their, it was a lot more smaller so no where near as kind of a process as the dining room. He noticed I had wood floor panels on the ground of my bedroom and was like wow you doing the floors too? And I was like yeah I hate my white tiles and it will really change the look of the whole place. He was like no doubt they look really nice. I was like, yeah I guess I will do them but iTs going to take me forever. He was like I can do them. So matter of fact. I was like wow really? I’m definitely going to pay you because it’s legit work. So we start putting the panels on the floor as to how it should lay and which direction they should go. It was a lot more complex then I had thought, at one point it looked like a game of twister as I was standing over him while he was on all floors holding the panels down. So then I was like I’m going to sit on your back I’m getting tired. He was like it’s cool I don’t care. So as he was laying the blue print I sat on his back. And out of nowhere I felt a warm sensation come over me. It’s crazy what happens when you haven’t felt intimacy or close to humans in months. Me simply sitting on his back did something to me. I got up and had to go to the bathroom to calm myself down. When I walked out of the bathroom he was standing up and still measuring out the panels and I saw the hugest thickest obscene hard on in his grey sweats. I just couldn’t Believe it, he obviously knew he was hard but it was like he was unbothered by it or maybe didn’t see me staring at it. And what’s crazy is he looks super unassuming and didn’t initially give off BD vibes but I’m now in my living room unable to concentrate at the biggest print I’ve seen in my life in person. At this point I pretend To not see it and he gets back on the floor and is sitting Indian style and while the pants have shifted his big ass dick I still see the print and now it’s moved against his thigh and is laying on his thigh in a downward manner. I can’t even concentrate and this dude is legitimately asking me questions and he could have been speaking Chinese. So he stands back up and I purposely drop a panel on the floor so I can bend over in front of him and hopefully he looks at my ass despite the fact I’m wearing a Frumpy house dress. When I slowly get back up hes directly behind me and now I feel the hardness through his sweats. I couldn’t even believe this is happening. We’re both standing and he’s right behind me hard as ever and his dick is so long that the remainder of his hardness is against the back of my thigh, right under my butt cheek. I am so nervous yet I turn around and he takes my hand and glides it all the way down his dick. I feel like I’m in a real life porno. Now bear in mind I just moved so I don’t have a couch or a bed, simply a pillow topper on the floor. In the midst of my hornyness I get super embarrassed of my situation as all of my Wayfair is delayed thanks to Covid-19. So I tell him I don’t even have a bed and I don’t even think he heard me, he threw me on my pillow top I reached into one of my boxes by the bedside table and found my silver clutch of condoms I’ve collected in the last 5 years. I don’t buy them but I had random onesies here and there. I grabbed the magnum XL excitedly as I haven’t seen one of those in years and he did what he had to do. He’s a man of very few words from the moment he walked in but mustered to say nasty shit in my ear as he slowly glided in. It was so good I was pushing my palms onto his lower belly to control the entry once we got into a groove I immediately felt the trickle of an orgasm coming and I dug my fingers into his back and felt an overwhelming orgasm burst out of me and he said I’m about to cum and we both came. I fell back and couldn’t believe what happened. I nervously asked what’s his sign, and he said Virgo. So I got up and was nervously trying to get myself together as he went to the bathroom to clean up. I stood in the hallway going crazy, this isn’t my MO, this man came into my house without the intentions to do this and I didn’t even pay him any mind so I couldn’t believe what just went down. He came from behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I couldn’t believe in the midst of a global pandemic this man is embracing me from behind. It felt so heavenly to be held i just closed my eyes then quickly walked away in nervousness. So at this point I’m like yeah so I guess you can work on the floors next week, and he says “ I got you”.